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RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch --coming soon (24th - 26th January 2025)


Keep a look out for information on what is happening at Christ Church as we take part as a church in our grounds. 

You can also sign up to take part at home; go to

Find out what's feeding wildlife (and us) in our church grounds

Open the slide show by clicking on the picture below

... and also the wildflowers and trees growing in our grounds

Open the list by clicking on the picture below

Read Rosemary Drew's
'Earth Matters' slide-show by clicking on the picture below

Christ Church Caring for Creation -- tree planting 2022

Climate and Environmental Emergency Recognition

At its February 2022 meeting the PCC agreed this declaration concerning recognition of the climate and environmental emergency that the globe is facing. It is a declaration written by TEARFUND, to coincide with last year’s COP26 summit (we have changed the order of some points but not the substance), who are encouraging as many churches as possible to adopt. We are placing a hard copy on the church noticeboard in the foyer, here on the website and it will also be published in >imprint<. It is not designed to be a statement of faith (although there are clear theological statements within it) but is more about action points that need to be worked on in the long term. Climate & environmental issues are clearly becoming increasingly relevant. As individual Christian disciples and as a church with significant buildings and grounds we need to grapple with these at depth. We are planning to discuss climate and faith related issues in our Autumn series of sermons, when we look through the early chapters of Genesis.


Christ Church St Albans: Climate and Environmental Emergency Recognition.

On the basis that:

  1. The world is facing a severe crisis of environmental degradation and climate change that affects our ability to sustain human civilisation in its present form.

  2. The crisis indicates a failure of human beings to follow God’s mandate to care for the world and to seek justice among its peoples

  3. The main cause of the crisis is human activity.

  4. The crisis is inextricably linked to global injustices and inequality.


We, the PCC of Christ Church St Albans, want to publicly recognise a Climate and Environmental Emergency, and commit Christ Church to:

  1. Examining our lives individually and corporately in relation to this crisis and seeking to live faithfully to God.

  2. Bringing forward by July 2022 an action plan to minimise our negative corporate impact on the environment and climate and to help restoration where possible.

  3. Encouraging our members to make relevant lifestyle changes appropriate to their circumstances.

  4. Encouraging action on this emergency in our neighbourhoods, workplaces, and other spheres of activity.

  5. Using whatever influence, we may have to bring about positive actions by local and national government and by corporations.





Christ Church Caring for Creation (C4) meetings are usually held on the 3rd Monday of each month and the next is scheduled for 20th January 2025, 8pm, which will be online.




All church members are welcome to attend C4 meetings.  Further details including confirmation of date, time and venue or details to join online will be given in the weekly


Christ Church e-newsletter






Use the following links to inspire you to make a difference in your care of God's creation!

Climate Stewards, one of the A Rocha family of organisations.

Click the logo to help you calculate your carbon footprint

Walk or cycle to church (if you're able to) - and wherever you can locally. Find out more on the Sustrans website.  Click the logo to link to it.

Use your LOAF.  Find out and how you can shop more sustainably for your food by following the LOAF principles with Green Christian.  Click the logo to find out more







To see local Green Christian St Albans news, click this link to go to their newsletter archive.

Little Acorns
Aerial View of Islands
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