Sunday 22nd August 2021 -- Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

We have two types of groups for adults to meet to read the Bible, pray, support and encourage one another:
Connect Groups
These are a place to belong and a place to grow. Gather fortnightly in a group of 6-12 people to share the joys and struggles of life, to read the Bible together and to pray. Community is at the heart of these small groups. Meetings are generally in person with some over Zoom.
Prayer triplets
We all need people with whom we can pray, read the Bible and who get to know us well enough to speak to us with loving challenge and support. Prayer triplets meet regularly to do this.
If you are interested in any of these, please speak to our Small Groups Co-ordinator Hilary, or contact her at

Seniors Group
Events for our Seniors (aged 50 … to 100+) focus on sharing our faith through friendship, fellowship, food and fun.
For more information please contact the church office 01727 859806 or via email below
Tea and Chat
Alternate Thursdays
Christ Church Main Hall 2.30 - 4.00 pm
The next meeting will be on Thursday 18th April and fortnightly from then
Enjoy drinks and cake, a Christian thought for discussion, plus time to chat.
Pastimes Small Groups
(Prayer And Sharing Together Time)
First Tuesday of each month
Christ Church Garden Room 2 – 3.30 pm
Bible study and prayer time for Christian believers, for those curious about faith, finishing with a drink and cake.